




getting bullied at art school is the worst bc not only are you getting picked on by people who post voltron discourse but every mean thing they say to you is verbatim lifted from a text post you’ve already seen and that has damaged my self respect in a way that nothing else ever could

knowing i am lower on the college food chain than 20 year olds who say “weird flex but okay” and “sure jan” in real life has done irreparable psychological damage

I can’t wrap my head around art school bullies

i said i hate anime and now they want me dead

Oh I thought they were just being mean you didn’t tell me you provoked them

This makes me so grateful I dropped out of art school before tumbl got popular

Study tip for if time boundaries freak u out


You know how study tips are always like “set a timer!”, well… knowing I only have a certain amount of time freaks out Professor Jiggly, the cat who drives my brain. So I have never been able to do that

But keeping track of time is useful

So here’s my solution: instead of setting a timer to count down, set a stopwatch to count up. You can have an approximate target amount to work before taking a break, but the timer won’t interrupt you if you’re focused and you won’t be distracted by the thought that you only have 20 mins or whatever

You just look at the clock when you feel like taking a break and it will maybe say “that was five minutes” at which point you can go argh! I will force myself to keep working! Or it will maybe say “that was 25 minutes” and you can be like “I am a powerhouse”

Also if you have the stopwatch on your phone, it discourages using your phone

I have NEVER BEEN ABLE TO USE TIMERS but I discovered this trick recently and it helps …… a lot




Develop a roomba that reacts to being petted and you’re going to make bank with millennials

Don’t forget to give it a little screen so it can flash up emoticon faces.

*bump into wall* >_<

*gets pet* :3

*low battery* ;_;

*stick on a ledge* D:

*sucks up something it’s not supposed to* >:3c

I loathe how badly I want this.